BI-Geared Stock Behavior Tracking System

  • Optimization and Modernization of the BI-enabled stock tracking system
  • Database architecture reengineering
  • System performance upgrade by 20 times
  • Configurable stop triggers, notifications and alerts
  • Hustle-Free and elegant user interface
Business Intelligence
Banking & Finance

Considering the everlasting downside risks, every fund holder aspires to stay on the edge of the latest financial market changes. Iflexion helps RightWayTrader to upgrade their stock behavior tracking system, giving better control over individual investments.



Our Customer is RightWayTrader - a USA based company providing investment and trading tools for individual investors.  At a definite moment the company realized, their flagship stock behavior tracking product TradeStops failed to answer the stability, performance and scalability requirements of the increasing user base. Considering vast experience and impressive record track, RightWayTrader approached Iflexion with the request to carefully review the code and find ways of its improvement and extension.


TradeStops is a comprehensive web application allowing investors have better control over their investments, by sending just-in-time notifications and alerts on the actual financial market state. Moreover, the solution enables to stay informed about stock splits and dividend payments. 

After a quick registration and entering a few personal trade details, end users proceed to secure and making money with minimal risk of missing the boat.

Tangible Advantages

  • Simple navigation and intuitive UI.
  • 24/7 access enabling seamless stock behavior tracking
  • Continuous USA and Canadian equities financial data analysis using CSI Market and  notifications’ configuration according to client’s preferences
  • Advanced encoding algorithms providing for users’ personal data security.

Development Process

Having analyzed the Customer’s business canvas, as well as the application’s architecture, database and codebase, Iflexion prepared a detailed list of existing bottlenecks and suggested the solutions.

List of Bottlenecks

  • Confusing navigation patterns and outdated UI design
  • Low system performance and lack of scalability due to the outdated Classic ASP technology
  • Limited marketing and promotion capabilities due to insufficient subscription module
  • Poor Historical Database structure
  • The nightly update routine, which processes customers’ alerts, was built as a set of JavaScript-based scripts executed by a Windows command interpreter and therefore had serious performance issues. 


  • Historical base storing stock data was extracted into a separate database, which accelerated information retrieval
  • The nightly update procedure was parallelized into 2 separate processes – historical data update and alerts generation – run on separate services for faster performance 
  • Web Services API was leveraged by Iflexion as a basis for new features implementation
  • Nightly update routines were migrated to the .NET-compiled code as a Windows Service Application to improve their speed and stability.

Our team also modernized the web site’s UI, extended the subscription scenarios and set up a number of advertising campaigns and marketing activities. They also implemented data visualization features, e.g. Portfolio Charts.


From the technical perspective, the system is represented by a multi-tier model, incorporating presentation layer, business logic, Web services layer, and persistence layer.

Leveraging Windows Service applications built on the .NET technology Iflexion implemented additional functional features, including daily stock historical data updates, business logic of alerts calculation and email delivery.


Iflexion team introduced a number of improvements making the solution’s backend well-distributed, fast and stable, and the frontend – modern, easy-to-use and attractive for users. The following figures speak for themselves.

Moreover, Iflexion implemented appealing financial data visualization and added new stock change markets, including London Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange, and some others.

RightWayTrader was genuinely satisfied with the results of collaboration and engaged Iflexion for the next projects - FlexCharts — a desktop software for designing and publishing stock charts founded on online data, and ChartCrafters — an online service that provides stock related content and widgets for publishing on third-party websites

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