Advanced Congress Profitability Analytical System

  • Robust web system for full-cycle congress workflow tracking
  • In-depth analysis of different congress parameters and ROI calculation
  • Rich visualization of the analyzed data
Business Intelligence
Business Process Automation
Public Sector

One of the leading advertising agencies of the USA turned to Iflexion for the development of a web system enabling its client’s company to receive perfectly visualized analytical data on ROI of the congresses and conferences held



The Customer is a full-service content advertising agency, located in the USA, with 20+ years of experience of branding, transmedia publishing, content marketing and advertising. Having multiple offices in New York and Seattle, the company boasts partnering with the world’s most-recognized brands.

For one of its clients the agency was to deliver a custom software solution with only general idea and project requirements available. Having designed the visual image of future solution the Customer turned to Iflexion, requesting full technical realization of the system.


By that time the company had already had favorable experience of engaging Iflexion in a series of projects and was sure about its ability to cope with extra challenges of the task. The solution was required to be completed within tight deadlines and limited budget. The development process was even more challenging due to indirect, mediated communication with the original requester of the solution, which resulted in uncertainty of development requirements.

Business activity of the solution’s end users comprises organization of mass conferences and congresses on regular basis. For streamlining and optimization of the process, better events maintenance, monitoring and analysis of the held conferences, he needed an efficient software solution.


Iflexion’s team developed a powerful analytical system allowing the company managers, responsible for events organization, to analyze multiple parameters of past congresses and calculate ROI. The solution developed is instrumental in deep understanding of overall effectiveness of the congresses held. The system end users are enabled to:

  • Collect and store the details of congresses. The solution allows company staff to upload information on the conference (date, place, attendees) into the system database.
  • Track congress workflow on every stage. When organizing events it is critical to take control over step-by-step plan fulfilment, from pre congress submissions to post congress activities. The solution is designed to provide visibility into workflow execution, managing active as well as archived projects.
  • Conduct inquiry of attendees. Iflexion’s team developed an iPad version of the product for the company staff to interview the participants of conferences on the spot. Attendees’ answers are manually input off-line during the event and automatically uploaded to the server as soon as the internet access is acquired. When uploaded, interview results are liable to ongoing analysis.
  • Analyze the received data and view reports. The system enables end users to carry out analysis of different parameters – participants, expenses, inquiry results – evaluate pre and post congress data, compare different congresses to identify their profitability. For the users’ convenience, analysis results are visualized as diagrams.


The delivered application is built on PHP ZEND Framework empowering JavaScript natural performance and scalability. For events data storing Iflexion’s team leveraged MySQL and implemented flexible data caching.

Integration with Google Charts provides a perfect way to visualize data statistics. The system also utilizes jQuery's accordion plugin to enhance user experience and create an attractive and highly intuitive user interface.


Having overcome the challenges of Customer’s requirements specification and limited time & budget frames, Iflexion’s team successfully implemented the solution for analysis of congresses effectiveness. The Customer’s client was genuinely satisfied with the working solution, which means Iflexion has won even stronger affection of the Customer.

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