Facebook Games Powered by a Robust Management Platform

  • Load-resistant and scalable architecture
  • In-game payment system and powerful billing mechanism
  • Integrated cross-reference advertising network
  • Long-term Dedicated Team engagement
Web & Enterprise Portals
Social Networking
Business Intelligence
Media Content Distribution
Media & Entertainment

Iflexion became a major technology expert and primary development center with the dedicated team working as an organic highly productive extension of the Product Madness in-house team.



Product Madness Ltd. is a USA-based company developing and successfully rolling out Facebook gaming applications. The company has ambitious business plan, comprising a set of new games production and improving those already launched.

For managing the applications and promotion campaigns, the Customer required a powerful central web platform featuring user management, billing processing and marketing activities support.

Product Madness lacked resources to cover the ambitious project needs and decided to outsource the development partially. Thanks to outstanding references and mature dedicated development team processes, Iflexion was selected as a primary technology partner, who completed several pilot tasks, utilizing agile methods with swiftly changing priorities identified in daily communication and demonstrated top-class mastering the RoR technology.

Once started, the partnership has been expanding from year to year resulting in a host of successful gaming apps and smart back-end solutions.


Iflexion dedicated team was to accomplish a number of development tasks. The Flash/Flex developers were in charge of realization of the game rules and scenarios, while the Ruby on Rails and Java programmers worked on the applications’ business logics.

Comprehensive Application Manager

In order to configure all these applications on the fly, our team implemented a robust Application Manager - a unified control panel for global application delivery and business analytics processing. It provides the following functionality:

  • Business Intelligence including user/audience statistics processing
  • Applications and games activation/deactivation
  • Games settings and ACL configuration
  • Target group/marketing settings setup
  • Facebook applications notification management

Integrated Advertising, In-game Money and Billing

For seamless cross-referencing between different gaming applications, Iflexion’s dedicated team implemented an advanced custom advertising engine using Facebook Ads API.

Iflexion developed an in-game payment system, which provides plenty of opportunities for offering user incentives such as bonuses or achievement rewards. It also significantly simplifies billing processing and funds management. The back-end system with aggregated usage statistics integrated into the backend platform allows administrators to obtain detailed information on the cash flow for the services paid. 


After thorough investigation of the legacy code, Iflexion team provided performance optimization along with code refactoring, leveraging Ruby on Rails due to its proven scalability, efficiency and simplicity in further support and enhancements. To build stable and scalable database, we utilized MySQL Percona high-performance server.

Prawn library was integrated into the Application Manager to support business analytics and report generation. The library can retrieve data in a PDF format, supporting a wide range of configuration settings.

RSpec was chosen as a main framework for unit tests description and verification. The NewRelic add-on was used as a monitoring and reporting tool to provide detailed data on application performance and errors.


Iflexion’s dedicated team accomplished a series of development tasks, including:

  • Legacy code refactoring and functional improvement
  • Games development from scratch
  • Application Manager engineering
  • Ads Management implementation
  • In-game billing and payment system development

Iflexion developed a series of games for Product Madness, including 3DSlots, TeamSlots, GameShow, BigCityBingo, and many others, geared by a smart and efficient application management tool combined with a powerful advertising engine. As a result, collaboration with Iflexion contributed a lot to the Customer’s business development and market success. The following figures speak for themselves:

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