Advanced Baby Monitoring Software Package

  • Listen to the baby from anywhere in the world using phone, mobile app or web browser.
  •  Distinguishing baby’s voice from environmental noise
  • E-mail and SMS alerts
  • Saving logs, comparing and visualizing sleep quality stats
Business Intelligence
Media Content Distribution

Baby monitoring solutions are extremely useful tools for modern parents, who are not willing to compromise between their habitual lifestyle and looking after their children. Iflexion delivered a comprehensive web service, desktop and iOS applications, analyzing the real-time data on baby’s health and activity and sending them on parents’ smartphones.



Evo Inc., a USA- based technology company, was inspired by the idea of creating a baby monitoring solution with an unlimited range that would allow listening to a baby anywhere and anytime and automatically detect baby’s cry.

To make the idea go live, in addition to the baby monitor device the company had designed, Evo Inc. needed an easy to use mobile solution seamlessly connecting parents to the monitor device. Following the main idea, this solution was required to recognize baby cry patterns to distinguish them from environmental noise.

The software would provide additional value by accumulating and visualizing statistics related to the baby’s quality of sleep.


The delivered software package comprises:

  • iOS application
  • Back-end Web Service enabling integration with VoIP provider, containing audio pattern recognition algorithms and allows alert management
  • Hardware configuration utility for Windows and Mac OS X helps users setup the monitoring device using standard WiFi networks
  • Website integrated with payment gateways faces the Internet audience and allows monitoring baby sleep via web browser

iOS Application

The iPhone application is the kernel part of the solution as it provides the ability to get the information from the remote Baby Monitor hardware device by receiving processed data from the server.

The mobile interface also enables parents to listen to their baby right from the user area as well as configure notifications according to their device and time preferences. 

Backend Web Service

Thanks to a robust backend, the application visualizes the collected data allowing parents to track baby’s behavior dynamics, and keeps them connected to the relevant Internet resources and social network groups providing a way to keep an eye on the latest trends and even get a professional advice.

In addition to the primary task of enabling communication over the Internet, the server part stores and process statistics based on monitoring events. The web server tracks, stores, and graphs baby’s cries and uses the information to provide relevant parenting content based on child’s cry patterns.

Frontend Website

The website is also instrumental for monitoring baby’s activity. Our specialists leveraged the RoR technology, to create high-performance and attractive website, enabling parents to listen to their baby right from the user area, set up notifications, view the usage and events history, visualized statistics and other.

Development Process

The Customer came up with a system partially developed by another Chinese vendor. However the source code and architecture left a lot to be desired.  

Iflexion’s strong and diverse technology competency supported by mature knowledge management and work transition procedures convinced Evo Inc. to involve Iflexion in project rescue and further development. Highly ambitious goals were set for the team ― Iflexion had to implement the fundamental part of functionality and enable hardware device to be connected to iPhone via the Internet.


The mobile part of the system was implemented with the use of C++ and Objective-C technologies, while the back-end server part of the application was based on Java technology stack. Integrated with VoIP services provider via SIP, the backend was created high-performance and scalable, to support a large number of monitor devices and iPhones.

For the front-end website development highly professional Iflexion Ruby on Rails team was engaged.


The team successfully overcame the challenges caused by the multitude of integrated technologies and solutions: Java-based server, C++ and C# configuration tools, SIP protocol, RoRbased website, PayPal, and ObjectiveC mobile app.

Several months after the official release more than ten thousand registered users took advantage of the monitor in their daily life. More than half of them ordered numerous additional paid services. As a result, we created not just a comprehensive software solution, but also a highly profitable product for Evo Inc.

Customer Voice

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